Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let's Get Physical, Physical!

We’re working, we’re moving, we’re in the zone, we’re grooving! ~Monica from “Friends”

Happy Tuesday!

Now that you know me a little better, you know that I’m all about over-planning and having a back up plan for my back up plan. Well, I have a confession to make. If there is one area of my Kilimanjaro adventure that I felt under prepared for it was the physical aspect. 

As a younger woman of relatively good health with the exception of a bad ankle, I make it a point to eat healthy and get regular exercise. However, in the year leading up to my Kilimanjaro trek I went through a fair amount of health problems. Over roughly ten months time, I was ill with nine or so upper respiratory infections which through several doctors and multiple tests was determined to be the result of living in my apartment (a hundred year old renovated cotton mill).

Constantly having upper respiratory infections made it really difficult to be physically prepared for the trek up Mount Kilimanjaro. Nevertheless, I made an effort to start training as soon as I knew for certain I was going to climb, which was three and a half months before the hike. Starting to actively train for hiking Kilimanjaro as soon as you decide to go is key to your successful summit!

My training consisted of spending at least an hour on the treadmill four times per week. I would set the treadmill to its maximum incline capability and to a moderate walking speed to simulate walking up hill. Also 3 times a week I would weight train to strengthen my muscles. Using light weights, usually 7.5 or 10 pounds, I targeted my arm muscles and leg muscles. Squats and lunges with kick backs strengthened and toned my legs which helped with the hike and got me looking good for spring break I might add! 

One of the ways I wish I would have trained most is by taking a weekend hiking trip. By picking a mountain range at a higher elevation to hike for the weekend, you give your body the opportunity to adjust to exercising at a high altitude. You also give yourself a chance to see if you will experience altitude sickness (I will cover this in future posts!). 

Are you an exercise junkie? If so then this regime will probably seem a little relaxed to you. Feel free to add in more rigorous cardio activities like running or cycling or weight training with heavier weights. Would you rather be a million other places than hitting the gym? If so then start slow and don’t overdo it. Gradually build up your workout routine over time and before you know it you’ll be running just as fast or lifting just as much weight as those exercise junkies out there. Don't forget your cute clothes to make working out fun!

Love my Reebok Easytones!

Lilly Pulitzer now carries workout wear-I am dying for this outfit!

1 comment:

  1. Great quote!! Love FRIENDS.
    I know you did a lot of training-- I cannot imagine the amount of physical activity you did on your hike. Very impressive!
